Better SEO results
Boost click-through rates (CTR) and traffic quality in search engine result pages (SERPS).
A full and thorough SEO audit is a useful, modern and reliable tool for improving our website’s search results and positioning in Google. An SEO audit will detect any errors on the website as well as any internal and external areas for improvement, thus helping to improve the ROI return on investment and the website’s positioning.
An SEO audit is a set of analyses, inspections and verification tasks performed on a website to detect errors that might negatively affect either the positioning of the web in search engines or the ROI.
Website errors can exist in various different forms, for example as broken links, duplicate content, slow web loading, a website structure not optimized for search engines, a lack of relevant user content, just to name a few.
Areas covered by SEO auditing
We provide complete, modern and powerful auditing services for all possible areas. Structure and navigation, technical SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, speed audit and advanced website loading / WPO and audit of the website’s hosting and project domains.
Websites audited for positioning
Websites audited to position them in search engine rankings get better performance and conversions in online search engines.
Why choose us?
We conduct a complete, thorough and powerful SEO audit using all the available tools to draw up a very detailed SEO action plan.
We provide full, detailed and in-depth search engine optimization auditing services to detect errors in your website, to assess the appropriateness of prior actions, and to steer online marketing actions in the right direction. Let’s talk, shall we?
Check website structure and navigability to determine the best keywords and get the best search engine indexing. All navigation and indexing errors are identified.
An audit is performed to find all broken link errors and error codes that come back from the web page server. Files for search engines are checked for proper optimization: sitemaps, .htaccess and robots.txt. As are any bugs in JS, CSS and snippets files, and others.
A check is performed on the pages’ content rates, as well as on the content quality of the main pages and the website. As are the User experience (UX) and the H1, H2, H3, ALT attributes, the titles and descriptions, among others, to improve the quality and quantity of SEO organic traffic.
Both the quantity and quality of inbound links are audited. An assessment of the links or backlinks profile is performed to analyze the country and profile of the reference domain. The possibility of algorithmic penalties is also assessed.
We conduct a speed audit of the entire website / WPO to identify any room for improvement and pinpoint any causes behind slowdowns that might lead to a poor user experience and drop in SEO traffic.
An audit is performed on the project’s hosting and domains / DNS, as well as their proper functioning and configuration. Options are provided for improving web hosting options to suit the project’s profile and business aims.
At Seomar, we provide modern and thorough SEO auditing services for your website, which will allow you to improve your online traffic and boost your project’s competitiveness.
We will briefly explain how we perform an SEO audit to squash any bugs and find out what your website already has to get better results on the Internet.
What tools are used in an SEO audit?
Various types of SEO tools are used to offer reliable and complete results, both error detection and data mining tools such as SEMRUSH, indexing error detection tools such as Screaming Frog, also web analytics tools used by the client usually such as Google Analytics or Console / Webmaster tools, among other specific tools that help to obtain the most complete and in-depth audited result possible.
How long does it take to get back the results on the status of the website?
From a few working days to weeks. It will depend on the size of the website and areas of the website audited. Not all websites or customer needs are the same.
How is the final audit of the website presented?
We use a simple and schematic report but very complete and detailed. Additionally, we provide the client with an online work area and advanced online sheets to be able to view advanced graphics and complete data from the expanded report, being able to view areas of the audit report easily from any place and browser.
How much does an SEO auditing service cost?
The final price of the audit will depend on the client’s sector, and both on the size of the website and the audited areas.