The user who accesses and uses this web page knows and accepts the general conditions written below.


The owner of the website SEOMAR.ES hereinafter SEOMAR is David Cerdá with NIF: 45631286, with registered office at Plaza Patraix, 18 cP: 46018 Valencia. Being able to contact SEOMAR.EN by mail to: info ARROBA SEOMAR is a registered trademark in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.


SEOMAR makes informative content available to the user who accesses the SEOMAR website. SEOMAR. The contents have been created and provided by SEOMAR
Access and use of the website is free, without prior authorization or registration.
SEOMAR.EU reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the SEOMAR.ES website, without any obligation to pre-notify or inform the users of said obligations, understanding as sufficient with the publication on the SEOMAR website


The contents of the website are intended to inform and publicize all the products marketed by SEOMAR SEOMAR may modify the contents of the website without prior notice, as well as the way to access them. The contents are the property of SEOMAR and all the industrial and intellectual property rights of the web. All the contents of the web are duly protected by the regulations of intellectual and industrial property, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers.SEOMAR is not responsible for the reliability and speed of the hyperlinks that are incorporated into the WEB for the opening of others.


SEOMAR uses the geographic term “Marketing online valencia” To refer to the online marketing service offered in the city of Valencia and its surroundings, the purpose of using this term is only to refer to the common and geolocated term in Valencia used by a company that offers specialized online marketing services in that city. Therefore, no generic trademark is used, a geographical name is used, in this case Valencia, previously accompanied by the term Marketing Online.


Users who access the SEOMAR website will do so in accordance with the Law, they are obliged not to access the website contrary to what is established or for illegal purposes or that may damage, deteriorate, saturate or slow down the website, to the detriment of SEOMAR or third party users.

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